Home » “Majority of religious fanatics I have met are very wicked yet they are in church 6 days a week” – Mary Remmy Njoku

“Majority of religious fanatics I have met are very wicked yet they are in church 6 days a week” – Mary Remmy Njoku

Nigerian actress and filmmaker, Mary Remmy Njoku has said that the majority of the religious fanatics she has encountered are very wicked.


“They hate children. They hate happy people. They devote their lives to finding faults in everything you do or say.”


“Always misinterpreting the Bible to defend their shady decisions. I avoid them. May God bless the people who live a christ-like life irrespective of their religion. They are the real Christians.”  She wrote


She added: “If you have to constantly remind the world that you are born again, then you must be hiding something and trying to distract people from seeing it. Good people don’t have to say they are good people, it just shows. They might make bad decisions sometimes. But they are GOOD most times.”

see her post below


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