BIG BROTHER TITANS Big Brother Titans is the joint South African and Nigerian edition of the Big Brother franchise. The series follows contestants as they live...
Entertainment News
Ijeoma Josephina Otabor, also known as Phyna, and her fans have thrown their support behind Hermes, the winner of Big Brother Naija’s level-up edition...
Jaypee, a Big Brother Titan housemate, has confessed that she is romantically involved with seven men outside the house. The beautiful screen diva made this...
The Big Brother Naija season seven winner, Phyna, has continued her achievements after the reality show as she bags a new award. Phyna has grown to become one...
Ex-BB Naija Housemate Groovy Mono, who is often called the Pink Panther, has taken to social media to share an old photo of himself. The photo shows a very...
Big Brother Naija Lockdown’s disqualified ex-housemate, Erica Nlewedim, has revealed that she is turning 27 soon and not ready for marriage. The actress...
Ozoemena Joseph Chukwu, a.k.a. Ozo, and Rebecca Nengi Hampson, former BBNaija stars and lovebirds, have gotten a lot of attention online for how they treated...
BBNaija’s latest winner, Phyna, can’t stop shining and showering her fans with beautiful pictures of herself, which have made many come out to beg her to take...
Phyna, the Big Brother Naija season seven winner, has revealed why she had an ab!rtion before becoming a celebrity in the entertainment industry. Phyna made...
Chineye Desire Okoebor, popularly known as ChiChi, is off to a good start this year. The TV star celebrated her 23rd birthday yesterday, and fans made sure her...