Home » Influencer branded ‘Kim Kardashian’s clone’ because of how much she looks like the reality star
Foreign Entertainment

Influencer branded ‘Kim Kardashian’s clone’ because of how much she looks like the reality star

An Instagram influencer has surprised users with her resemblance to Kim Kardashian in her latest pictures.


Sonia Ali has been mistaken for the mum-of-four before, but it seems like her newest photos have heightened things even more.


The 26-year-old social media star shared new photos to her Instagram this week and fans couldn’t believe how much she looked like Kim as they branded her the reality star’s “clone”.






A follower commented on Sonia’s photo: “Helloooo Kim doppelganger.”


Another wrote: “Kim clone.”


Sonia was born in London but is now based in Dubai.




She shares her Instagram account with sister Fyza, who has also been compared to Kylie Jenner in the past.



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