Home » How to make money as a Freelance Mobile app developer in Nigeria
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How to make money as a Freelance Mobile app developer in Nigeria

Hey Guys and Gals, I’m back with another post on how to make money online legally in Nigeria.

Making money online is advancing very rapidly due to the covid 19 pandemic, as many individuals now see the need to make money at the comfort of their home with a computer. There are various skills that you can acquire that can enable you to make money online. I will be discussing mobile app development in this post. Before we continue, If you don’t have a pc, steady internet, and stable electricity kindly click of this post as it’s not for you. This post is targeted towards individuals who meet the above criteria.


Who is a Mobile App Developer

An app developer is a computer software engineer whose primary responsibilities include creating, testing and programming apps for computers, mobile phones, and tablets. These developers typically work in teams, and think of ideas and concepts either for the general public, or for a specific customer need. App developers understand coding languages and how to use them, and may also work alongside graphic artists, data scientists, and other software experts to create applications. They also test and fix any bugs that are found before the product is launched.

Making money as a Mobile App Developer

This is a gold mine, you heard me right a gold mine. There are billions of app installed on peoples devices whether Android or iPhone and those apps generate money for the app developers directly or indirectly.

How can you make money as a freelance Mobile app developer?

When you create a mobile app, there are several ways to monetize your app, this applies to both ios and android platforms.

  1. Google Admob – This is a google managed platform that enables app developers to make money by showing ads on their app, for instance, let say you create an app that enables users to crop pictures, this app can be monetized by placing ads in strategic places in your app. when the users of your app see the ads you make money.
  2. Paid Apps ——–  You can make your app a paid app, meaning before anyone can install your app they will need to pay first to download the app. This is one of the best ways to monetize your app but one of the most difficult because the app must be very relevant and you must not have a competitor who has a free app doing the same thing (exactly the same features your app offers, yours must be at the pinnacle) as your paid app.
  3. In-app purchases – This is another good method to earn money from your app. For instance, many of you know the candy crush games, they sell gems within their app to help reduce the difficulty of the game and give the players several other perks. Some of the users who really like that game will easily pay for those gems for the extra perks. You might be thinking who pays for gems, I’ll let you know rich kids do and they spend a lot of money on such games.
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What makes me qualified to write about this topic?

I have successfully been able to run several paid and free apps that make recurring income. Find below earnings one of my paid apps.

Paid App sales

How can You Learn How to make Mobile apps?

You can visit online platforms like youtube, udemy e.t.c. but that will take you a lot of time as you will need to do a lot of research and spend a lot of time learning. This is where I come in, I and my team are professional app developers. We will personally coach you and teach you all you need to know efficiently. For more enquires mail us:  [email protected].


As Usual, I have several other ways to make money online with proof, kindly subscribe to this blog to be notified when I release a new post via the subscribe widget on the sidebar. If you’re on a mobile scroll down till you find the subscribe widget

Take Care.

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