Home » Police report indicated it was a personal case and not negligence on our part- Warere Beach hotel Zanzibar where Nigerian lady claimed she was robbed and almost raped speaks

Police report indicated it was a personal case and not negligence on our part- Warere Beach hotel Zanzibar where Nigerian lady claimed she was robbed and almost raped speaks

The management of Warere Beach Hotel in Zanzibar, Tanzania has reacted to claims made by Nigerian tourist, Zainab Oladeinde, that she was robbed and almost raped while on vacation at the beach last year.


Zainab in a Twitter thread posted on Saturday said she arrived in Zanzibar on Saturday, April 16, 2021, for her birthday celebration on April 18. Zainab, who traveled alone, alleged that in the wee hours of April 18, an unidentified man snuck into her room and tried to rape her. She said over $1000 was also stolen from her. Ms. Zainab also alleged that the Zanzibar authorities did next to nothing to help her as they accused her of lying. Read here.


In a statement released this morning, the management of the hotel said when the incident happened, it filed a report before the police. The management says the police report indicated that Miss Zainab’s case was a personal one and was not a result of negligence on the part of the hotel.


Read the statement below


Also, the Zanzibar Commission of Tourism released a statement regretting the unfortunate incident and that an investigation has since been launched.



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