BIOGRAPHY Jamie Lynn Marie Spears (born April 4, 1991), famous as Jamie Lynn Spears, is a renowned American actress and singer. She is best known for her role...
Ijeoma Josephina Otabor, also known as Phyna, and her fans have thrown their support behind Hermes, the winner of Big Brother Naija’s level-up edition...
BBTitans Yvonne and Juicy Jay were caught on camera r0m@ncing each other while they were in the bed. In a video that surfaced online, Yvonne was seen asking...
Jaypee, a Big Brother Titan housemate, has confessed that she is romantically involved with seven men outside the house. The beautiful screen diva made this...
The Big Brother Naija season seven winner, Phyna, has continued her achievements after the reality show as she bags a new award. Phyna has grown to become one...