Home » Man Finds Out His Fiancée Will Be Getting Married Soon And No One Informed Him –

Man Finds Out His Fiancée Will Be Getting Married Soon And No One Informed Him –

A Twitter user has narrated how a friend of his who has been engaged for a year found out that his girlfriend will be getting married 3 weeks after Sallah,

Sahabi Sufyan stated that neither the fiancée nor her family reached out to the man to inform him that they had canceled his engagement and the woman was choosing another man.

The man had been waiting for his fiancée to graduate from school so they could get married before they discovered that she was about to wed someone else.

Sahabi warned men to not only look for good women to marry, but to also ensure their family members are responsible.

His Twitter post reads;

“My friend, engaged for about a year now, waiting for the girl to graduate so they could marry, found out today that the girl is getting married 3weeks after Sallah, no one reached out to him or his parent. Guys, aside from looking for good spouses, look for RESPONSIBLE Inlaws too.”


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