Home » Lady Dumps Husband Who Sponsored Her Trip To Dubai And Relocates To UK.

Lady Dumps Husband Who Sponsored Her Trip To Dubai And Relocates To UK.

A Nigerian lady, Obehi Blessing has reportedly dumped her husband, Chris Ojikere, and abandoned their marriage plans after he sent her to Dubai.

One Imosenebo Alfred, a friend who shared the story on Facebook, said the man sponsored his wife’s Dubai trip with the intention of joining her later for them to raise their family.

Blessing is said to have relocated to the UK from Dubai and stopped calling Chris whom she has been married to for less than a year.

The post reads; ”A dear friend of Mine MR CHRIS OJIEKERE needs help. He sponsored his wife to Dubai, that he will join her later for them to raise a family but the wife MRS OBEHI BLESSING dumped him and relocated to the UK from there!

A marriage that is not up to one 1year was aborted in the name of travel. The husband is in pain and he is hoping to see his wife back. CHRIS OJIEKERE regrets ever asking his wife to travel first. Now she has stopped calling him. What a wicked world. Some women are just heartless”



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