Home » “If your wife is on period and you’re pressed, go ahead and make love to her” – Prophetess Rose Kelvin

“If your wife is on period and you’re pressed, go ahead and make love to her” – Prophetess Rose Kelvin

Prophetess Rose Kelvin, a Popular Abuja-based cleric has slammed men who use their wives’ menstruation period as an excuse to cheat on them.

Asking men who are pressed to go ahead and have sex with their wives when they are on their periods, the cleric shared an encounter with a man who tested positive for HIV following an affair with another woman just because he felt his wife was unclean during her period.


Prophetess Rose further told men not to use “period” as an excuse to cheat on their wives as they can always make love to them with or without a condom.

In her words: “A MAN GOT INFECTED WITH HIV WHILE HE ABSCONDED FROM MAKING LOVE TO HIS WIFE, DUE TO HIS CLAIMS OF HER BEING UNCLEAN AS A RESULT OF THE BLOOD.SURPRISINGLY, WHILE HE NARRATED HIS ORDEAL OF HOW HE CONTRACTED HIV, HE EVEN MENTIONED HE HAD NEVER HAD AN AFFAIR OUTSIDE HIS WIFE WITHOUT A CONDOM.. Whereas his wife is HIV – while he’s hiv+ “If your wife is on period and you repressed, go ahead and make love to her if you’re too pressed, or use a condom, never use her period as an excuse to cheat on her, if you truly love her, you can enjoy the process even in the pool..And you calling her unclean, how clean are you before God.”

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